Sunday, March 20, 2011

been awhile, but still thankful

my computer is super old, and takes a v-e-r-y long time to allow me to publish anything.  so today, in it's honor, i am thankful that my husband has a bad case of the Sunday blues and doesn't want his super fast laptop back for a bit. 

i'm not thankful he's feeling blue, but i do love to see a letter pop right up on the screen as soon as i type it.  technology is great. 

and i am thankful for enjoying some of the 300+ days of sunshine Arizona gets each year. 

i am thankful for generous in-laws.

i am thankful for patient and well-mannered children.

i am thankful for new underclothes (cotton and boring, but oh so nice to buy without children tagging along).

i am thankful to be back home again.

and i am thankful that i can still find new music that i love, even when i am the 'old woman/ ma'am' age that i am.

vampire weekend : horchata is that for me right now.  all about sunshine and having fun.  and spring will really get going one of these days so that all this snow, mud and cloudy weather will end.  won't it?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

into the wild

it is a feeling that surely resonates with many of us right now.  a call to the wild warmth and joy of spring.  but right now, a snowstorm heads our way and the already many months of a world of white march on.  (pun unintended but celebrated)

i am raging inside.  i need to run and play and feel the freedom of spring.  i need to be with my girlfriends of twenty years.  i need to go more crazy than buying a new scented candle at target. 

but i am a mother.  one who knows the noble quest of a child's good nap and a balanced checkbook.  one who takes momentary joy in a tidy and somewhat disinfected home.  one whose spirit dances when her children reach out for a hug. 

so along with so many others who surround me, i wait.  i see a date on the calendar for having fun with friends.  i know that the real spring (with all the mud and melt that entails) will someday arrive.  but i wonder, like the blogger, Amanda, who creates amazing works of art on "Kind Over Matter" wonders... where are you my wild women ?  i know i am not the only one raging, not with anger, but with a feeling of anticipation for a renewal of self.  a renewal of spirit.  a fresh path to follow.  a more clear version of today.

read and be reinspired!