Tuesday, March 8, 2011

into the wild

it is a feeling that surely resonates with many of us right now.  a call to the wild warmth and joy of spring.  but right now, a snowstorm heads our way and the already many months of a world of white march on.  (pun unintended but celebrated)

i am raging inside.  i need to run and play and feel the freedom of spring.  i need to be with my girlfriends of twenty years.  i need to go more crazy than buying a new scented candle at target. 

but i am a mother.  one who knows the noble quest of a child's good nap and a balanced checkbook.  one who takes momentary joy in a tidy and somewhat disinfected home.  one whose spirit dances when her children reach out for a hug. 

so along with so many others who surround me, i wait.  i see a date on the calendar for having fun with friends.  i know that the real spring (with all the mud and melt that entails) will someday arrive.  but i wonder, like the blogger, Amanda, who creates amazing works of art on "Kind Over Matter" wonders... where are you my wild women ?  i know i am not the only one raging, not with anger, but with a feeling of anticipation for a renewal of self.  a renewal of spirit.  a fresh path to follow.  a more clear version of today.

read and be reinspired!  

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